Thursday, October 4, 2012

I surely have no Indian in me!

I've got an Afro thing going here and yeah, it's cool and all but not all the time. When I stopped relaxing my hair a year and a half ago, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but I knew I had to stop putting those toxins in my hair. I think they affected the few working neurons I had ;-)

So, I let my hair 'grow out' for over a year. This was my second attempt at this. The first go around, I couldn't stand looking like a fake Tina Turner. This time, I said no matter what, I'm going through with it and I did. I found creative things to do with it, to give me a little edge. I didn't or rather, I wasn't ready to do the 'big chop', so, instead, I did the twist, the plait, the 'chiny bump'....anything to get me by. And, it worked. I pulled it off. My hair grew and the relaxed ends began to fall off on their own.

But, it got to be too much trouble to twist every night. I was getting ready for my first cruise and I knew I'd be in the water a lot and thus, needed to 'get it together'. I headed to the hair salon to get a cut. My lady looked at me and said, 'yep, it's time' and got her scissors ready. Clip, clip! And, I watched my hair fall. I smiled because I knew it needed to be done and I needed it would serve as a new chapter in my life....a new healthy chapter, filled with 'new growth' and 'new roots'.

So, I'm sporting what looks like a teenage 'fro' and my oh my, don't I look like the splitting image of my mom? Wowser! Not a bad thing. She's a good looking woman ;-) Now, I just need the right products to get past this 70's look it seems I have going. I thought, for some crazy reason, that my hair would do a wave instead of the curl, because, man, did it curl up! Wow! Guess, I really don't have any Indian in my family ;-)

I need something to stretch it out somewhat  and I don't want to straighten it, EVER! I don't want to put a hot comb in it at all. That's what got me here in the first place.

What I've been using but Oy vey! They're not giving me that wavy look I'm after.
So, what products are you ladies using to keep your 'NATURAL' hair nice and tangle free, moisturized and shiny? What are some tricks to making natural look effortless and how do you switch it up to go out or to just chill? How do I get bigger curls, instead of these 'way too Afro' baby curls?  Help a black girl out.

1 Love,

Black Girl

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Guys, I need to buy a car and I need your help!

It's lemonade time

No Carfax needed
It's like they smell you coming. Those doggone car salesmen know a fresh one when they see one. You walk in, with no intentions of even test driving a car and leave with a car payment and a ride that will probably give you a good two hundred miles before you have to take it to the shop. Why can't those car salesmen just be honest? We know you know we women don't know much about cars but good gracious, don't go for the jugular!

I need a new car and when I say new, I mean, brand new, not used. I understand that as soon as I drive it off the lot, it's depreciated but what else am I going to do?  I live in Atlanta and we know how great the 'A' is with public transportation. And, I need dependability with great gas mileage. Am I asking for too much here?

I donated my VW Passat to Habitat for the Blind last year (yes, I know how that sounds) and since then, I've been traveling for work, so I haven't needed a car. Now, I'm home, I think and I've gotta have one. So, I need your help.

* What's a good car these days?
* How much should I look to put down?
* How much total should I be looking at realistically?
* Should  I go 'pre-owned'/ used, whatever they call it these days?
* What are you driving (if that's not too personal) and how's it working out for you?
* What features are a must have? What features are standard?
* What are some things you wish you did or didn't do when you were buying your car?
* What questions should I ask?

Just share your experiences so that I can walk in there educated and knowledgable enough to be dangerous. Thank ye kindly!

1 Love,

Black Girl

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hey, black girl!

I have to write like I have to breathe. I ended my last blog because it was time and now, I MUST blog again. I'm like a crack fiend but instead of crack, my drug of choice is script, getting out my thoughts. If I don't, I'll burst and we don't want that, do we? Who would do the clean-up?

So, what is 'Hey, black girl!' about? Who knows? I'm gonna play it by ear. One thing is for sure, it'll be good. I did the whole 'single woman' blog, so that's out.  I won't be blogging about being single (unless, it's relevant, of course). I have other blogs that talk about traveling and the madness that I came across at the airport-those will still be up and running. I figured I needed to start a blog about things that come to mind that I have questions about or things that people tend to want to talk to me about. So, technically, this blog is for both you and me so I expect some participation, yes?  I give; you give. Sharing is caring, after all. 

You ready!? I am. Let's do it!

Thanks for stopping by. Please join my blog and please spread the word via Facebook or Twitter. I can use all the support I can get. 

1 Love,

Black Girl.